Father’s Day is this weekend and families across the country will be taking Dad out for dinner, buying gifts and in some way honoring the fathers and dads in their lives. Our dads influence us from the time we are young. Even so, we aren’t always aware of how much influence they have on day-to-day things, like cleaning. We found these cleaning tips from Dads across the country, in a recent issue of Good Housekeeping and had to pass them on. Do any of these sound familiar?
- Wash and rinse dishes in the hottest of water – Los Angeles.
- Look for creative solutions to jobs – use a leaf blower to sweep out the garage – Huntsville.
- Keep your grill clean and you’ll never have a bad meal – brush it and then brush it again – Atlanta.
- Use newspaper to polish brass and Windex on a paper towel to get bathroom faucets sparkling clean – Brooklyn.
- Do the dishes meticulously, with a smile on your face, even if you make dinner that night. Dishes are a man’s job – Washington, D.C.
- If your shoes look good, you look good. People will notice and remember well-kept shoes more than your suit – Dallas.
- Choose the right tool for the job – every surface must be cleaned with a rag – New Jersey.
- Respect others’ expertise – My dad always told me, “Just send it to the dry cleaner.” – Chicago.
The dry cleaning professionals at all of our Flair locations in Redondo Beach, Valencia, Burbank, Studio City and Santa Monica, wish all fathers everywhere a very Happy Father’s Day. And, remember to take advantage of our Father’s Day coupon.
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