Flair has been committed to providing environmentally responsible, safe dry cleaning services since our inception. That’s why we use the gentle GreenEarth Dry Cleaning Process.
What is GreenEarth?
The GreenEarth Cleaning process uses liquid silicone or liquified sand, which is non-hazardous and non-toxic to the environment. It eliminates the use of all toxic petrochemicals. After use, it safely breaks down into the three natural elements: sand (SiO2) and trace amounts of water and carbon dioxide.
In addition, GreenEarth is safe for people. In fact the liquid silicone in GreenEarth is widely used as a base ingredient in many shampoos, conditioners and lotions.
Clothes cleaned at Flair with GreenEarth way come back fresh and clean without unpleasant “dry cleaning” odor caused by perc or other toxic chemicals. Because it’s all natural, GreenEarth is very gentle on clothes. Our customers tell us they can actually see and feel the difference. Colors don’t fade and whites don’t gray or yellow the way they do in traditional dry cleaning, even after repeated cleaning. Fabrics are smooth and silky, and sweaters feel soft and supple again.
The Science Behind GreenEarth
Liquid silicone is chemically inert, meaning it doesn’t chemically react with fabric fibers. It just carries the detergent to your clothes and gently carries away the dirt and oil. It also is very light in weight and has a very low surface tension, allowing it to gently penetrate fabric fibers and rinse away dirt in a way that water or perc cannot. So it cleans without being abrasive or aggressive, leaching dyes or damaging trims.
That’s why it is such a safe and effective green cleaner for even the most delicate garments–beads, delicate lace, silk, cashmere, you name it–with GreenEarth, there’s nothing to worry about. And, unlike many other cleaning methods, GreenEarth won’t cause shrinkage.
If you have any questions about he GreenEarth process, please let us know.
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