For many of us, the holidays mean getting out of town and exploring somewhere new – and, of course, you want to look your best for yourself and for the photos you’ll look back on. But don’t let your excitement to travel make you forget to take care of your clothes, which can hold the memory as much as a photo. Here are some mistakes to avoid during your trips:
Packing can be stressful. You want to make sure you don’t forget anything and are prepared for every eventuality, but make sure you’re not overpacking. Stuffing everything you can in your suitcase will wrinkle all the outfits you carefully planned. Consider if you really need that extra shirt; there’s only so many outfits you can fit in on your trip. Plus, you may want to leave room to bring some stuff back.
Not Knowing How to Clean Your Clothes
You may be used to relying on Flair to know the best treatment for each fabric and garment, but if you end up having to clean clothes on your own, be sure to read the instructions provided with the garment. Each of those funky little symbols on your tag means something. Using the wrong ironing temperature or washing on the wrong setting could damage your clothes in ways even Flair can’t fix. If you’re really worried, we’re only a phone call away.
Using Unsuitable Water
Wait, I can use the wrong water? How does that make sense? You may be surprised that what’s in water used in laundry machines can vary from location to location especially when it comes to mineral content. Water that is “hard,” or contains high levels of dissolved minerals can destroy the color and weaken the polymers that prevent the color from dulling.
Using the Wrong Products
We’ve been there. Whether it’s breakfast in bed or dinner out, you’re lost in conversation when suddenly you’re laughing a bit too hard and you end up spilling on your clothes. While it can feel like you need to act immediately sometimes doing just that makes it harder to get out the stain later or make the stain worse. Sometimes caution and doing nothing is best until you can get professional advice.
Failing to Enlist the Pros
If you’re really not sure what to do, give Flair a call and we’ll do our best to make sure your clothes come home safely. We can tell you how to pretreat clothes or how to find a cleaners while away in a pinch. On the other hand, if you’re hosting visitors feel free to take advantage of our FREE Pickup & Delivery so you don’t have to miss a second of fun.
Keep these tips in mind when traveling, and your clothes will look great for your entire vacation.
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