Not sure how to pamper your favorite person and the planet at the same time? Remember, green is the new pink! We’ve got some excellent eco-conscious Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Don’t have a significant other? No problem! Head out with your friends for dinner, give your pet some extra TLC, or take the day to treat yourself. You deserve it!
Read on to discover four tips and tricks for a greener Valentine’s Day.
1. Ditch the cut flowers and gift a potted plant
Roses only stay beautiful for so long and will inevitably wilt on your valentine. Instead, opt for a potted plant! Keep in mind: green is the new pink.
Potted plants are permanent, can be locally sourced, and often work double duty as air purifiers. We suggest easy-to-care-for plants like snake plants (removes benzene and formaldehyde from air), aloe vera (you can use the leaves’ gel for sunburns), and our personal favorite, Philodendron (beautiful in hanging planters).
If you prefer to buy a bouquet, source your flowers from a local shop. Ask your florist what blooms are in season and grown locally (if possible). Many local florists are working to make the industry more sustainable and will help you towards your eco-conscious Valentine’s Day goals.
2. Scrap the V-day card and write your favorite person a love letter
Nearly 40 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged every year. That’s a lot of paper! E-cards are a great solution to save paper – and you can easily send a digital valentine to a friend or lover no matter where they are!
Another strategy: upcycle. Use paper and materials you already have at home to make your Valentine’s Day card, or write a letter and roll it into a fancy scroll.
If you’re feeling particularly crafty, you can find an old card deck (remember: missing or lost cards will only add charm!) and transform it into a “Reasons I Love You” deck. These decks are wonderful because you can make a deck for anyone you cherish: your partner, kids, mom, dad, best friend, sibling, significant other…the list goes on!
Our final strategy? Forgo the card and opt for an experiential gift or a favorite treat!
3. Pick a farm-to-table restaurant that uses organic ingredients, or source your picnic ingredients locally
Are you thinking of taking your loved one to their favorite restaurant? Be a locavore and spice up your outing by choosing a restaurant or eatery that sources food locally, organically, or exclusively uses in-season ingredients. This improves your local economy, creates community, and allows farmers to keep more of their profit and grow larger varieties of produce that don’t have to survive overseas transport. Plus: it’s great to know where your food is coming from!
Are you looking for a budget-friendly option? Light some pink candles, bring your special person (or people!) to their favorite indoor spot, pick up a few package-free snacks, and buy locally-made beverages to share. We don’t know about you…but picnicking will forever be romantic!
4. Don’t buy things—buy a shared experience or donate to your loved one’s favorite charity
Who loves having drawers and closets exploding with…well…things? Half of which you don’t even remember that you own?
We thought not! Your favorite person will forever remember the memories you’ve created with them. Buy tickets to see their favorite band, purchase salsa dancing classes, or book an Airbnb and whisk them away on a weekend getaway or road trip. They’ll love the adventure!
Alternatively, you can donate to a charity supporting a cause they care about. The thought and effort you put into your charity selection will mean more to them than any material item could, whether you adopt a seal or fund a local homeless shelter on their behalf.
When you adopt the green is the new pink mindset, you’ll be amazed at the ideas you come up with. Happy Valentines Day from all of us at Flair.
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