The word tailor comes from the French tailler, to cut, and appears in the English language during the fourteenth century. In Latin, the word for tailor was sartor, meaning patcher or mender, hence the English “sartorial,” or relating to the tailor, tailoring, or tailored clothing. Often at Flair, customers ask us what the difference is between tailoring and alternations?
At Flair Cleaners, we offer professional tailoring and alterations services, so your clothing is comfortable and attractive. Understanding the difference between these services can help you get precisely what you need.
Tailoring is custom fitting a garment to the person who is going to wear it. Flair tailors ensure your clothes meet your fashion needs and tastes and fit perfectly. Tailoring makes a considerable difference in the way your clothing and you feel. At Flair, our tailors provide custom fits for shirts, pants, and other garments.
On the other hand, alterations are less extensive changes to the garments. Flair custom alterations also change how the garment fits but typically focus on one or only a couple of areas. Alterations include simple tasks, like:
- Hemming or shortening pants
- Adjusting waistlines of garments
- Tapering
- Shortening sleeves
Historical Note: As a craft, tailoring dates back to the early Middle Ages, when tailors’ guilds were established in major European towns. Tailoring had its beginnings in the trade of linen armorers, who skillfully fitted men with padded linen undergarments to protect their bodies against the chafing of chain mail and later plate armor.
If you’re looking for either tailoring or alteration services —or both—you can rely on our trained and experienced professionals for quality work. We understand how important your clothing is, which is why you can depend on us for quality, customized service. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and tips.
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