Too many of us take an out-of-sight-out-of-mind approach to our closets, especially when transitioning from season to season. But when you just put everything in without thought, you waste time and money. And it can lead to the “I have nothing to wear” syndrome, which usually ends in a shopping trip. Even if you find the clothes you want to wear, it may take substantial time to pull together an outfit – and who has extra time in their day?
Proper storage is essential during seasonal transitions and as a standard clothing care practice. It prevents damage and wrinkles, which ultimately saves you money and time.
Closet organization:
1. Start with a Closet Purge
Unless you work in fashion or have an extensive vintage couture collection, it is safe to assume that about half of your cluttered closet is unnecessary. Whether you’re holding onto clothes that are three sizes too small or are fashion pieces that are out of style, clothing that hasn’t been worn in months—even years–should be donated to make space for the things you love and will actually wear.
A true purge is an all-day project, so make sure you have the time and energy to commit. Clear your schedule, and then take everything out of your closet. Yes. Everything. Go through each piece individually and decide if you will keep, donate, recycle, or discard it. Damaged and stained clothing should be thrown away or repurposed as cleaning rags. Clothes that are too small, out of style, or that you no longer feel drawn to should be donated or sold.
TIP: Keep in mind that the Annual Flair Cleaners Holiday Clothing & Shoe Drive starts November 24th.
While at it, look for items that need cleaning, stain removal, alterations, or minor repairs. Keep these in a separate pile to bring them to Flair Cleaners for laundry, dry cleaning, or tailoring.
Clean your closet from top to bottom–dust, vacuum, and scrub, if necessary. Then, hang up and put back the clothes from the “keep” pile. If it’s still looking a little overstuffed or disorganized, try some of the tips below!
2. Place Shelving and Storage Under Your Hanging Clothes
A dresser, a shoe rack, a cabinet, open shelves…choose the storage option that works best for your space and desired aesthetic. But make sure you’re using the space under your hanging clothes to the fullest extent possible.
Use this space for items like sweaters and jeans that are too bulky to hang or delicate items that hangers would damage. You can also store accessories like purses, boxes of scarves, and belts in the dresser. Just make sure you organize by drawer and make everything visible and easy to reach so you won’t end up with cluttered junk drawers you’re afraid to open.
3. Invest in Quality Hangers
“No wire hangers” isn’t just tantrum material from “Mommy Dearest.” It’s also actually good advice. Wire hangers can cause damage to your clothing. Big plastic hangers take up too much room and have those awful cutouts that leave imprints on your shirts or give your cardigans those weird little wings on the shoulders.
Instead, invest in high-quality, slimline velvet hangers. They don’t take up extra room, and the fabric keeps clothes in place, keeping them from falling to the floor. Choose all one color if possible to give your closet a uniform and organized feel that we promise you’ll find refreshing.
Switching out your closet for the coming season? Flair Cleaners can help you keep your wardrobe fresh, and with our FREE Pickup & Delivery service, you’ll have the clean clothes you need to enjoy the season!
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