You may not know it, but April 7th is National No Housework Day. Rejoice! Confetti! On second thought, let’s not do the confetti just yet.
National No Housework Day is just like it sounds – a day where you do no housework. Sounds pretty fantastic right? It is, except that many people still need to get stuff done. Letting dishes, laundry, vacuuming, cooking and other chores slide for 24 hours is a luxury many just can’t indulge in. The challenge then becomes how to enjoy this holiday without your household falling apart.
Some people will tell you to just chill out, let it all go and take advantage of some serious couch time. That’s not the best advice and here’s why: the point isn’t to do double the housework tomorrow!
National No Housework Day: The Plan
To make this holiday happen in your home, you’ve got to call in some reinforcements, plan ahead, and prepare for resistance.
Step 1 – Get Help
Talk to the usual suspects and make sure they understand what’s going down. Ask kids and/or a spouse to lend an extra hand the day before. When they complain, tell them that National No Housework Day is a family celebration and that by helping out now, they can reap the rewards of pizza and couch time the next day!
Step 2 – Prep
Prepare for laundry emergencies by throwing in an extra load the day before (or stop by Flair Cleaners – we’ve got your back). Plan a meal that needs no dishes or at least a minimal amount that you can stand to have sitting in your sink for a day. Hold a peanut butter and jelly picnic or maybe order a pizza and make it a movie night.
Step 3 – Outsourcing
Did you know you can dry clean just about anything? It’s true. So call in the experts for this once-a-year holiday. It will make your ultimate goal of no housework much easier to attain.
Remember – National No Housework Day is as real as you want it to be, and deep down, don’t we all want a day without any housework? Follow the three steps above and you’re off to a relaxing (or at least cleaning free) day.
Have fun!
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